The current server timezone is: 2024 Tryouts

Tryout Registration

Important Note: Age Division is players age as of 7/1/2025

Save time and money by pre-registering for Tryouts. Complete the following form before arriving at Tryouts.

Tryout Registration is $20 when you pre-register, $25 if registering onsite.

Payment will be taken at the tryout facilities. We do not accept online payments for Tryouts at this time.

Tryout Registration Form
Epic United

* denotes required field

  • / /

  • Outside Hitter
    Middle Hitter
    Any Position
    Outside Hitter
    Middle Hitter
    Any Position

  • Youth

  • Please consider me for National or Premier Teams
    Please consider me for Premier Teams only

  • Best Location (may not be on the best fit, but we will do our best to get her on the best location)
    Avoid conflicts (list a day or two of the week to avoid or describe specific conflicts)
    Play with (playing with a certain person is more important that playing on the most appropriate team)

  • - -
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  • Reminder: Payment will be taken at the tryout facilities. We do not accept online payments for tryouts at this time.